A “B” is an “F” in the Real World

A “B” is an “F” in the Real World

Lisa Stamatelos


I recently had a discussion with a client about Interns transitioning from college to their first job. She shared with me the shock that is often experienced when the newly hired receive some critical feedback on their first work projects.  She gave the example of an Excel worksheet.  In college turning in a spreadsheet that is 85% correct will get a “B.”  On the job it gets an “F.”  After graduation, it is important to remember that now it is expected that you know things.  You are no longer in the learning phase.  That is not to say that employers expect you to start on the first day knowing everything about the job.  However, it is expected that you have the skill set that commensurates with your degree. Attention to detail is key. Check and recheck your work prior to sending it off to your boss.